Medical Students at The Archway Surgery

The Archway Surgery has for many years collaborated with Queen’s University Belfast in training medical students.  The curriculum and learning objectives for each stage in their undergraduate training ensures that by the end of medical school they have a broad undertanding of the role of a GP, and of General Practice as a career option.

When ringing the surgery about a health problem, you may at times be offered an initial consultation with a medical student.  If you agree to this, the student will take a thorough history from you (and examine you as necessary) and then present your case to their supervising GP, who will consult personally with you afterwards.  You can certainly decline to speak to a medical student if you’d prefer not to.

All such consultations are a great help to the students as they gain experience.  The students we take are usually senior (in their 4th or 5th year) and generally operate to a very high standard.  We find them a wonderful asset to the practice team, and are dedicated to helping them learn.

It’s in all of our interests that these doctors of our future get the very best training experience they can and are encouraged to consider General Practice as a career option.  We really appreciate all our patients’ help in supporting them in their journey.